Placers’ Insights

WDEL Interview 4/29/2021

by ashley on April 29, 2021 in WDEL Radio


Chris was able to rejoin WDEL’s Peter MacArthur this week after about a month away. They talked about the lowering unemployment report numbers that we released. They talked about the struggles that job seekers are facing when trying to get back to work. What are employers focusing on when trying to rehire people as well. […]

How Do You Measure A Successful Life Lived?

by placers on April 2, 2021 in Outside Insights


At face value, the definition of success can feel pretty narrow. Growing up, many of us are told that to be successful we need to go to college, land a well-paying job, work up the ladder, receive hefty raises, contribute to our 401(k) and then retire with a healthy retirement and time to finally do […]

WDEL Interview 3/25/2021

by placers on March 25, 2021 in WDEL Radio


Chris was able to join WDEL this week and talked about the unemployment numbers and how the recovery is trending as we continue into 2021. He also gave some advice to job seekers who are looking to rejoin the workforce after taking a longer absence to care for a family member during COVID. Lastly, a […]

Culture Reflects Leadership – Outside Insights Podcast Episode #5

by placers on March 19, 2021 in Outside Insights


Successful leaders know that one thing is at the core of every successful business: a strong culture. When done right, culture has the potential to be a key competitive advantage. When employees are empowered and encouraged by their company’s culture, they can move faster, solve more problems, and become more engaged in the broader goals […]

The Problems We Solve

by placers on March 12, 2021 in Outside Insights


Placers is a consultant to business and coach to the workforce. In the Problems We Solve Series, we are sharing some of our expertise in order to give you the tools you need to be successful. We hope that you enjoy these videos and that they can help. If you want to talk to our […]

WDEL Interview 3/11/2021

by placers on March 11, 2021 in WDEL Radio


Chris was able to be a guest on WDEL again this Thursday morning to be able to discuss the employment recovery here in Mid-Atlantic area. He talks about recent gains with jobs in the month of February. Shares his thoughts on what the stimulus package means for businesses and workers in the areas as well. […]

What Got Me Here Won’t Get Me There

by placers on March 5, 2021 in Outside Insights


This visualization represents my work/life story over the past 30 years. I imagine many of you can relate. To me work equaled independence. I started work early. From the age of nine, I had a paper route which I had until I was sixteen. It was hard work; I got up before school to deliver […]

WDEL Interview 2/25/2021

by placers on February 25, 2021 in WDEL Radio


Chris was able to be on WDEL this week to discuss the most recent unemployment and jobs report numbers and how they are shifting from last year’s impact. He also talks about what jobs and industries are still going strong with recovery and which ones are still waiting but could be back soon. Chris shared […]



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