Placers’ Insights

The Power of Knowledge – Outside Insights Podcast Episode #11

by placers on July 23, 2021 in Outside Insights


Group brainstorming sessions are usually the birthplace of a spark of an idea that turns into something big. Whether you’re discussing the next roll out with colleagues or deciding what to name the new family puppy while trying not to shut down the name “cupcake”. While brainstorming, the first wave of responses are often narrow […]

WDEL Interview 7/1/2021

by placers on July 1, 2021 in WDEL Radio


Welcome to July! Chris joined WDEL to start the month off talking about the continued recovery of the job market and what he thinks could continue to head towards. He also talked about the ‘Resignation moment” of people looking to make a change in their career now that jobs are becoming more available and what […]

The Day Your Second Life Begins: Thoughts on Happiness

by placers on June 25, 2021 in Outside Insights


Summer time is about fun, travel (finally) and spending time outside with friends and family. The season also presents an opportune time for self reflection, to learn and to grow. A favorite Outside Insights topic, I have often asked you all: How much time do you set aside to work on and get to know […]

WDEL Interview 6/10/2021

by placers on June 10, 2021 in WDEL Radio


Chris joined WDEL once again this week and talked about the continuing unemployment recovery. As more states continue to open back up to a pre-COVID status and vaccines are more available, Chris shares his thoughts on how companies are operating with asking/requiring employees to get the vaccine. He also talked about teenagers looking for summer […]

WDEL Interview 5/20/2021

by placers on May 20, 2021 in WDEL Radio


Placer’s President Chris Burkhard was able to join WDEL’s Peter MacArthur this week to discuss the continuing recovery efforts and how it effects employment here in Delaware. Chris shared his thoughts on trends of recovery and unemployment numbers continuing to make progress in the right direction. The staffing industry has been seeing some anxiety and […]

A Life Without Limits

by placers on May 14, 2021 in Outside Insights


Close your eyes and imagine what life would be like if you woke up each day and lived life as if you had no limits? As if closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be was well within your reach. The system of life keeps us “on the rails”. As […]

The New Rules of Work

by placers on April 30, 2021 in Outside Insights


In business, there are assets, things that add or increase in value, and there are liabilities, things that must be paid for or are a cost to the business. All employees have the opportunity to be real assets – but not all employees are working to their full potential. Be an asset. Grow yourself, be […]



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