The Greatest Holiday Gifts To Yourself: Time And Space

by placers on December 23, 2022 in Outside Insights


The Greatest Holiday Gifts To Yourself: Time And Space

Many of us spend all day on the go. If we’re not busy at work, we’re working for our families with domestic activities. The list is never-ending. Sometimes it feels challenging to fit “living” into the constant rush.

It’s contrived of me to even mention that the holidays send us into sixth gear. Many of us create an unreasonable expectations of what our lives should be and what our perfect holiday must look like. We run ourselves ragged in the process while we overspend on credit cards and neglect our physical and mental health.

I write and speak often about the concept of planning a life – that a map, plan, compass, or direction is necessary. The destinations on the map are our goals. I think these concepts are relevant for anyone who wants to start the new year with a resolution or two.

This coming year, I’m focused on how to give myself more time and space. I want sacred nuggets of time, dedicated time for thinking, existing, and not having to do anything. I want to clear my calendar for time to reinvent, rest, replenish, and relearn something about myself. I’m recommending this practice to you too. It’s worth considering.

One of the greatest holiday gifts you can give to someone, especially yourself, is the gift of time and space – unscheduled time. Please don’t say it’s just not possible. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We choose how we use it. That’s a fact. If you want to read more in the new year, what’s got to give? There’s always something that can wait but it requires a re-evaluation of priorities and seriously striving to put yourself first – every once and a while.

I find that few people really know how to take real downtime and make it productive and healthy. I’m not talking about Netflix time or scrolling on the phone. I am talking about taking time for yourself to think and reflect on yourself and your life. This reflection time doesn’t have to focus on heavy topics like why you’re not married at 30, or haven’t met your savings goals yet.

Instead, ask yourself:

– Did I live my life the way I wanted this week? What would I do differently if I could?
– Did I spend my time doing the things that I really wanted to do?
– Did I live by my core values this week?
– What were my wins?
– What made me happy?

Sometimes I make a list reviewing how my week measured up against my ideal week.  Other times I spend time on what needs to change to get where I want to go. Generally, I ask myself if I’m living authentically. 

Carving out time and space will leave you more energized to kick ass when you’re back to running around. You can’t be your best for your family or at work unless you take this time. Trust me, for many years I neglected to give myself time and space. My relationships and health suffered as a result. 

Not anymore. Making time for me is as necessary as food or sunshine now.

So, what could you do with an extra 10 minutes a day or an hour on Saturday mornings? Try the simple act of reflecting on your week. Over time, you can target a specific facet of your life and develop a plan. I promise, you will see improvements.

Downtime is productive time. It replenishes the brain’s stores of attention and motivation, encourages productivity and creativity, and it’s essential to achieving our highest levels of performance.

I really do think it’s the best holiday gift you can give yourself.

Happy holidays, friends. Until next time.


If you enjoyed this article, I recommend reading these past Outside Insights posts:

Self-Acceptance Everyday and the Holidays
Build Trust and Keep Promises to Impact Relationships
50 Years In Words

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